Thursday, February 17, 2005

Two Week Break

To All the Class,

Have a good two week break. If you do work on your project during that time, be sure to Blog your hours (include day and amount of real time spent). For instance, checking out books at Borders is great research time. (but no, the travel time to get there isn't, Josh.)

I assume you will return motivated to continue. The stretch after Projects Period is often the longest continuous class time we will have, so plan to make a lot of progress during those weeks. By then Photoshop CS, Studio MX, and all the books will be in.

As books arrive, I will send you an email, and leave them at the front desk, if any of you would like to make the trip in to school to pick them up.

I am thinking the next presentation should have an audience - I will invite any students and staff who are free sixth period, in particular Ann S., because of Eli's art connection, and see if Craig can get free as well - and this should happen about two weeks after we get back.
