Monday, January 28, 2008

BLOG Your Work-.. make up missed time

Two important reminders:

Be sure to BLOG your work each workday. Make it a habit and keep it going. Be specific about what you are doing.

Part B:
If you miss a class because of skiing, illness, or whatever.. make up the equivalent time and BLOG your time and work.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here is a list of the address of all the Independent Comptuer Study blogs..
This is sent in an email to you as well.
Good luck to us all.

Richard -
Alec -
Ethan -
Max -
Nate -
Zhanar -

I have created Feeds to them all, and consider doing the same.
Students new to keeping a Blog [Alec, Nate, Zhanar] - check out the Max and Ethan Blogs to see sample content. It is for keeping notes, informing us, and matching ideas and sharing sites as well as generally letting me know what the heck you students are up to.
Be aware that I have showed some of these sites to other staff at teacher meetings to encourage them to use Blogging as a good way to document what is going on.

I have five cartons of books in the computer lab. If you take any of them out of the room I need to know, so I can track them down if necessary.

Thanks in advance for a good semester,

My Blog

my new blog address is

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Uploading files (pictures or text) into a Database with PHP

Here is an article with some code allowing users to upload files. Assuming the data is there, I wonder if there are speed issues with getting the info back out in time to write the webpage with the graphics from the database.

Uploading files into a MySQL database using PHP


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Missing Class for Skiing or Other

Since Alec and Nate are missing class on a regular basis for skiing meets, here is a general policy that would apply for all missed classes:

Make up the missed class time by spending a block of equal time on your ongoing work within three days of your absence or missed day.

Post to this blog specifically how you spent the time. Take a minute and be specific - for instance - "I worked on the website" is not specific enough - tell what you specifically did with links if appropriate. "Worked on JAVA" is not enough also - tell what the current work involves and what commands or specific item you are investigating.
