Monday, March 17, 2008

Microsoft Dreamspark.. ??

Microsoft in their back-dated wisdom is release an 'open' method of programming.. as open as Miscrosoft can let themselves get.

It appears at first read that students can have free versions of some development software; so here is yet another avenue for programming.


Sunday, March 16, 2008


Note to all:

It is coming time for demonstrations of where your work is going, and to assess direction for the next quarter if there are any major changes. These have to happen over the next two weeks and it would be optimal to see them all at once in a double or tri-period.

Ideally we would all watch the presentations, so I will see what I can arrange with your teachers. Zhanar's should be easy with calculus and JP; the others - I may have to negotiate.

I also have a long standing promise to fulfill to you in having Bill Bryer, SBS parent, who works with JAVA for the State of NH come in to show us some ideas and inspire.

In general, it looks like programming work is happening.

Note to some:

A couple of computer library books went out.. one to Ethan on JAVA and one more to Zhanar on Access Database.. I need to get your 'library cards' on these.
