Tuesday, July 14, 2009

LaTeX equation editor online

Here is an online LaTeX equation editor. It creates a little gif [or other format, html, etc.] that you can copy and paste. Its response is pretty quick..


Friday, June 26, 2009

Working at the Internet Cafe

I hope that I can get some exercise soon so I don't look quite as crumpety as in this photo..

I am working at my personal Internet Cafe. Government of China can't see me or monitor me here, but the bugs on my computer laptop are indeed real bugs. Weather is perfect and it finally feels like summer.

Pondering all sorts of things:
switch all school email to Google's free service for non-profits?
accumulate school websites to a new account?
start Ruby on Rails with a new Linux site?
how to display photo streams for the website?
more, more, so much more..


Saturday, June 06, 2009

This is too amazing to be overlooked. At Sant Bani School "All School Capture the Flag" this little fawn was in the woods....

very new. very small.. as small as Kent's cap.. he took the photo with his Blackberry :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cheering Leap

Here is Dr. Ethan Cheering at the Run to Remember: I feel like the guy with the bike in the background looking on...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is Friendship Anyway?

Well, off to a rough start in the friend department :)
I guess I'll go out and play in the mud.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bad Google Push Design

Google loses the design award on this one. Squeeze the width of the Google.com homepage and the graphics push ad for 'Chrome' destroys the rest of the top of the page. I can do that for a web page I write - but not one that millions see..

This is definitely in the 'too much spare time' category for me - but really.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

der Mathematik-Pens, dass Licht

der Mathematik-Pens, dass Licht

Here are Jon Powell's NH State Math Meet award pen [right] and my NH State Math Meet award pen. It's easy to see that his is still brighter which may infer that he is writing less.

I picked it up by mistake while working on the network at the Lower Building, now I must remember to return it.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pi Day

3.1415926............. ounces of cookie dough:
Thanks Ethan for the photo....

Monday, March 09, 2009

Tufts E-News: Flights of Fancy

Using sensors with LabView to feeback into Google. The big screen must certainly help.
It seems there should be a fan for wind-blown hair and some occasional bird noises.

Tufts E-News: Flights of Fancy

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Mission Beach Physics Waves

We went to San Diego's Mission Beach area and to Belmont Park. There is a water ride to simulate surfing. Here is a short video of a couple of the takers. I had seen it before in short video, but it is great to see it in person.

Obama Logo

Interesting site lets me make the above Obama type logo.
thanks to Substance