Saturday, January 05, 2008

Missing Class for Skiing or Other

Since Alec and Nate are missing class on a regular basis for skiing meets, here is a general policy that would apply for all missed classes:

Make up the missed class time by spending a block of equal time on your ongoing work within three days of your absence or missed day.

Post to this blog specifically how you spent the time. Take a minute and be specific - for instance - "I worked on the website" is not specific enough - tell what you specifically did with links if appropriate. "Worked on JAVA" is not enough also - tell what the current work involves and what commands or specific item you are investigating.


1 comment:

Nate said...

I worked more on learning Java; specifically finishing a "Shipping Hub" simulator. I added the functionality to filter "packages" by destination, and set the corresponding lists to automatically update themselves when changes are made. This mostly involved Jlists, JComboBoxes and ArrayLists.