Change in mounting apparatus for your Air Energy Devices:
Each team will have a square 1-1/2" metal post that is 28" long to mount your Air Energy Device onto. It cab be bolted or screwed to the post - either end works and there are places to thread bolts, and then I will attach this to the standing metal post. This way you can mount your device and test it for balance in the classroom. Your device will still end up being be about 10' off the ground.
Here is a photo of the end of the metal post. There are two locations where you can bolt to the corner w 3/8" threaded rod or connector:
Here is the other end of the post showing where you can bolt to the center:
And a third showing the bracket that is also available. The bracket has multiple holes for attaching:
1 comment:
Oh nice! I'm also wondering... do you have any old computer chairs at school that I could dismantle? I'm sure I'll be down at the lab at some point begging for one... =D
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