Monday, September 24, 2007


The test forum is at and you can login with:

User: [removed -rjd]
Password: [removed-rjd]

Test is an administrative account so if you click on the ACP link at the bottom of the page, you can go to the Administration page and see how we can configure the forum.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

about the topic itself

Nate, Alec and Richard,

I've found some stuff about alternative energy systems as I think it is the main idea of the energy fellowship. Here are some links to websites on this topic:

We can really put a lot of stuff on our website if we do some research work. I guess it's not going to be easy, but it's a really worth thing to do.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Thoughts on setting up a site

Zhanar, Alec, Nate,
Some notes from today.
We reviewed Zhanar's very thoughtful questions regarding an Energy Fellowship [ EF ] site.
One outstanding idea is to have a Farmer's Market be a subset of the EF site and may validate the work.
Two students who were in the room participate in local Farmers Markets to sell their goods. One has an online profile.   
We discussed some computer language issues and did a very rough map of ideas.
Some ideas [not in order of importance] are:
Using Maps - Google. Maps specifically for some of the functions; directions, locations of farms and Farmer's Market [ FM ]sites; EF individuals that sign in; locations of energy product items, etc.
A PhP forum is worth setting up regardless, and Alec has the know-how to do this. Hopefully he will teach us this. He advocates PHP and HTML for website language.
Rating system and comment system on Farmers' sites
Sales of items may be a real draw. Google Checkout accounts is a clean interface that would work for $ sales.
We need to get more information from the EF to understand the use and vision of a site.  Richard will go Wednesday to the lunch meeting and others are welcome if they have the time to go, too, to hear ideas and get a sense of it.
Having one site that is more interactive may help unite goals of the different groups at school that are trying to promote awareness of Climate Change, energy efficiency, and other matters that relate to the social aspects of saving energy.
Here is some background on information about Farmers Markets presence on the web.
A further search for domain names showed the following:
The domain is available.   thinking ne is for New England
The domain is available.    nh for New Hampshire
The domain is available
The domain is available
The domain is available. is available
Sites and information that is relevant:   Local Sanbornton Farmers Market  US Dept. of Agriculture list of NH Farmers Markets

State of NH Farmers Market Representative
Gail McWilliam
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2042
Concord, NH 03302
(603) 271-3788

Here are some sites that have web presence in NH on their markets:   Listing of State Fairs and State Fair websites








Sunday, September 16, 2007

FW: Energy Fellowship website

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Danahy []
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 11:05 AM
To: *Richard Danahy; Alec Peters; Nate Houran; Zhanar Seitmagzimova
Subject: Energy Fellowship website

Zhanar, Nate, Alec,
Here is an idea which is emerging that I think will be appreciated and we can hopefully all get behind.

The three programmers of this course will work as a team to create the Website for
I have reserved the domain name, and now have to activate the site for our use. The cost for a year is $59.70 for non-profits, and the school can cover that cost - both from tech dept. funds as a resource for the class. 
Start to visualize what would be possible for this site. I see the front and back end support for the following: 
A graphical presentation that matches the goals of the Energy Fellowship
A moderated online forum for members to contribute and discuss ideas by topic.
Links and material relating to the Energy Fellowship
The database of information behind the structure of the website.

We should strive to use the JAVA language that we are studying for some of the presentation material, as well as use PHP and Flash for some of the content.
If successful, the ongoing project and code should be well documented so the 'torch' may be passed to other students and/or members to monitor and use.
Please review the three different possible backend systems to see which will be best to sign up for. It can be switched later, but often problematic to do so. In other words, if we start off with a LINUX environment, there would be many code changes to support the material in Windows.
Here is the link to the company we are using and info about the Silver Plan for $59.70 that we would use. This link lists the languages that are supported and some other bandwidth info. I THINK they will let us use a LINUX site for the same price, but not 100% if that has changed.
Here is a current link to the Energy Fellowship page... it presents some things but nowhere near the possibilities....

RE: Energy Fellowship website

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhanar Seitmagzimova []
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 8:45 PM
Subject: re: Energy Fellowship website

Hi Richard!

I like the idea of creating a site for Energy Fellowship as well as the site for farmers to distribute their goods. But my question is "what's the purpose of the project?" I mean like real purpose? something global? or just a website for energy fellowship's fun? Is there any kind of thing that could keep the project actual? There're many websites that just contain information about something and it's useful only in terms of information, but nothing else. I'd like our website to be something more than a source of information about Energy Fellowship and forum for people interested in it. Could it be something that would really keep people visiting the website? Just like the idea about farmers? The farmers need to distribute their products and people need to buy them - that's a good idea. But talking about Energy Fellowship - I wonder if there is something like that in that idea?

Maybe I didn't get everything, because I'm not really familiar with Energy Fellowship and stuff like that. I think we could discuss it more thoroughly in our class on monday. I'd like to figure out some details if it's possible.

What about the platforms it's a pretty tough question. I looked through some statistics and look what I've found on the linux website:

(Percent of projects)

However this graph is pretty different on the microsoft website... :)
Do you think it's possible to figure it out in such a way that it could do with both environments?

And the last question. What do you think we could start from? I think we should make some kind of plan of the project. And by the way how much time is it supposed to take? What time limits do we have? Like one semester?

And one more question. (sorry that wasn't the last one :)) How is our website supposed to differ from the or other websites like this. Isn't our project supposed to be new?

We could discuss all these things together on monday and maybe Nate and Alec will have some fresh ideas...


Zhanar Seitmagzimova, Class of 2008
Sant Bani School
Sanbornton, NH 03269

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Fall 2007 Computer Class

This class contains Alec, Zhanar, and Nate as the three students. All three are welcome to contribute to the content of this Blog with ideas, photos and screenshots, and to comment on the class and specific work.

~ off we go.. Richard.