Sunday, September 16, 2007

RE: Energy Fellowship website

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhanar Seitmagzimova []
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 8:45 PM
Subject: re: Energy Fellowship website

Hi Richard!

I like the idea of creating a site for Energy Fellowship as well as the site for farmers to distribute their goods. But my question is "what's the purpose of the project?" I mean like real purpose? something global? or just a website for energy fellowship's fun? Is there any kind of thing that could keep the project actual? There're many websites that just contain information about something and it's useful only in terms of information, but nothing else. I'd like our website to be something more than a source of information about Energy Fellowship and forum for people interested in it. Could it be something that would really keep people visiting the website? Just like the idea about farmers? The farmers need to distribute their products and people need to buy them - that's a good idea. But talking about Energy Fellowship - I wonder if there is something like that in that idea?

Maybe I didn't get everything, because I'm not really familiar with Energy Fellowship and stuff like that. I think we could discuss it more thoroughly in our class on monday. I'd like to figure out some details if it's possible.

What about the platforms it's a pretty tough question. I looked through some statistics and look what I've found on the linux website:

(Percent of projects)

However this graph is pretty different on the microsoft website... :)
Do you think it's possible to figure it out in such a way that it could do with both environments?

And the last question. What do you think we could start from? I think we should make some kind of plan of the project. And by the way how much time is it supposed to take? What time limits do we have? Like one semester?

And one more question. (sorry that wasn't the last one :)) How is our website supposed to differ from the or other websites like this. Isn't our project supposed to be new?

We could discuss all these things together on monday and maybe Nate and Alec will have some fresh ideas...


Zhanar Seitmagzimova, Class of 2008
Sant Bani School
Sanbornton, NH 03269

1 comment:

GeekTeach said...


These are all great questions and need teamwork to figure out. We can tell you a bit about the Energy Fellowship that was started at school by faculty, students, and parents and see if that has interest for all!
